2014 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Rat

2013-rat-almanacTo summarize the Rats career in 2014, this is a year to build relations and take charge of opportunities but always keep your wits about you and read the small print. With the increasing studies and socializing this year, please remember to take time out for partners as there is risk of overworking  and becoming too occupied in your own affairs and letting your relationship dissipate in 2014.

(from  http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimals2014/rat.htm)

  • The Rat will have had a few ups and downs in 2014 but the good news is that you should find that all the work you put in during 2013 with your career and social life in particular, could start to pay off at the beginning of the year.
  • You may see yourself become quite the socialite and see a big rise in popularity but please be aware that 2014 will not be the greatest of year for the Rat as they are the conflict animal for the Horse year, You would do well to use this to your advantage as this is a great time for networking with new people and this will also be a great opportunity to make new friends so attend as much as you can this year but only as much as finances and lifestyle will allow.
  • Although 2014 will not be the greatest of years for the Rat as they are the conflict animal for the Horse year, there will still be some good parts to the year and you should find April 2014 to be a good month for socializing.
  • If you are able to seek and take advice from others, you will find that this really helps in many aspects of your life by strengthening and attracting relationships with others and sharing good news with others around you.
  • Please remember your existing friends and family in 2014 as this year can be a great year to spend time with loved ones and strengthen relationships with close ones and 2014 would be a great year for a family vacation which the Rat would do well organising.
  • This year, the Rat would be smart to take the help of others and not try to stay independent as the Rat has the ability to do better this year with the help of others and you may find yourself isolated if you do not accept the help and companionship. With career in 2014, the Rat will need to keep an eye out for new opportunities which can help to build your career in the coming year.
  • 2014 can help the Rat grow their knowledge and skills and put them to use in the upcoming year. Where risks are concerned, the Rat would be wise to weigh up all the pros and cons before going ahead with big decisions in their career  as there is a risk of this backfiring if it is not thought through.
  • Please remember to always read the small print and check over the terms and conditions. You would also do well to seek advice from others if you are ever in doubt and seeking help from others will help you build relationships while also getting helpful advice.
  • If you are seeking a promotion in 2014, you may find yourself becoming frustrated with the competition; I am not saying do not go for the promotion but please be aware of the people you are up against and study when possible to get the advantage on the opposition.
  • 2014 is a fantastic year of learning for the Rat and can really be of benefit if you are motivated and wish to further your education and your studies will really bring out the best in you. You may find that some plans may not work out how you originally wished but they have the ability to be replaced with new opportunities that can work to your advantage.
  •  This year can be a good year for relationships for the Rat if they read this advice; please remember that there is a risk of ignoring your loved one this year and that you should always remember to take time out to spend time with your partner and take them along to enjoy your increased social life so as not to hurt their feelings and make them feel alone. If you follow this advice, you should find that you are able to strengthen your relationship with your partner and attract a new strong relationship if you are a single Rat.
  • The Rat will need to keep a close eye on finances throughout the year as there is risk of not reading the fine print or terms and conditions which is also applicable to work life so please make sure that you do your research when making big investments or taking out loans.
  • With your increased social life, it would be wise to save where possible although you can take this whichever suits your lifestyle.
  • You could use this year to spend time with loved ones and use some savings on trips and social events with friends and family but if you do not have a great deal of disposable income, try to limit your spending where possible and hunt around for the best deals.
  • To summarise the year, I would recommend keeping your wits about you and try to focus on what you want in life and spend as much time with loved ones and friends as possible.
  • Study will greatly be of benefit of to you this year and will help you get far in the work place in 2014. Have a successful and prosperous year. As a Rat you are in affinity with the Ox. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of an Ox with you at all times throughout the year in 2014.



See more at:http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimals2014/rat.htm

www.wordle.net — An excellent way to blog with style!

This site www.wordle.net is a tool that will generate your “word clouds” and make them look cool and stand out!!!

You have 3 different options:

a)           paste in a bunch of text

b)           Enter the URL of any blog, blog feed, or any other web page that has an Atom or RSS feed and        

                c)           Enter a del.icio.us user name to see their tags


After choosing any of the options, you are then directed to a next step wherein you make choose the font (it has tons of fonts to choose from), language, layout (change to lowercase/uppercase, alphabetical order, and layout of the texts), and color (wherein you may choose from a variety of group color options).

you may either save it in a public gallery, print it or post it in your blog. It’s really up to you! And the best part is, you will be given an url wherein you have the option to view it later or delete it after usage.


I am sure you will have a variety of styles you can come up with to make your blog go with a style!


Lucky Foods for the Dragon Year 2012

If you’re the busy kind of person who still does not have any idea what to prepare for the New Year, check out this neat site.

Lucky Foods


These are the sample dishes you can cook over  in preparation to 2012!!! Dishes are well explained why they are lucky and ways to prepare it are also given.

a few quoted lines are…

For many, January 1 offers an opportunity to forget the past and make a clean start. But instead of leaving everything up to fate, why not enjoy a meal to increase your good fortune? There are a variety of foods that are believed to be lucky and to improve the odds that next year will be a great one. Traditions vary from culture to culture, but there are striking similarities in what’s consumed in different pockets of the world: The six major categories of auspicious foods are grapes, greens, fish, pork, legumes, and cakes. Whether you want to create a full menu of lucky foods or just supplement your meal, we have an assortment of recipes, guaranteed to make for a happy new year, or at the very least a happy belly.

Read More http://www.epicurious.com/articlesguides/holidays/newyearsday/luckyfoods#ixzz1hjFI4nED



here is the link : http://www.epicurious.com/articlesguides/holidays/newyearsday/luckyfoods

I love this article!!!   just a warm thought that you might be having troubles like I do!!!

Have a prosperous New Year everyone!!!!

2012 Predictions for Pig

I am sure you have come across some websites or books predicting 2012 to be a bad and unsettled year for the Pig but I do not think it will be that bad at all.


  • You must be very careful signing contracts and make sure you get them double checked by a loved one or professional.
  • With regards to wealth, business and career, 2012 can be a year of seeds you planted over the last few years which will now blossom, so please make the most of this year.
  • Pigs born in 1971Should be careful with big equipment in 2012 and should try to avoid using dangerous machinery where possible this year.
  • For the Pig in business and career this year will promising but you should remember to keep a very positive attitude towards work and do not be afraid to put in the extra effort as the rewards can be very good in 2012 for hard working Pigs.
  • In business you may also be offered a partnership and you should look at this as being positive, ensure you spend time looking over any small print on contracts.
  • Relationships with current loved ones can grow stronger in 2012 by having a good understand for your loved one and making allowances at times to spend quality time together throughout the year; this could be a trip away but please do not spend more than you can afford.
  • Single Pigs have a strong chance of building a strong new romantic relationship in the Dragon year.
  • The secret for all Pigs this year is money will come in but you have to make sure you keep hold of it.
  • You may find the year brings a few challenges but you will overcome them and the problems you had in 2011 will be resolved even though new problems may take their place, you will look at the year in November 2012 and say “it really wasn’t that bad”. PS Do not forget to say “thank you” they are two small words but have such a big impact on people’s lives.
  • Please be sure to take extra care with your health by eating healthily and getting plenty of exercise; Watch what you eat and if your lifestyle is quick TV dinners, you must allow for this and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • You are in affinity with the Tiger. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Tiger.



Thanks to:http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimalpredictions2012.htm#Pig

Whilst the Dragon year 2012 has mixed energy for the Dog, you can make it a very good year.


  • Michael has gone through so many Chinese years with such bad predictions for the Dog and always survived; the secret to good Feng Shui is being aware of potential problems and changing your lifestyle.
  • Please be aware this year that you should avoid risky investments and avoid lending money to anyone although on the other hand you should be more charitable and make some donations to a good charity as the rewards for good gestures will come back to you.
  • I am sure there are many Dogs that are really looking forward to 2012, There may be many dogs that tend to worry a lot in 2012 but you should realize that if you share this problem with a loved one or friend, the problem will not seem as severe and will be a great deal easier to solve; try to communicate with others when you are in doubt in 2012 and this will work to your advantage.
  • Work may over stress you and, as such, do take extra care with your health by eating healthily and getting plenty of exercise.
  • There may be a few late nights this year where you are wrapped up in your work but don’t go for the easy option and get a take away.
  • You must take care of what you eat this year and if you live in a hotter country please be aware of food poisoning relating to food left out in the heat.
  • You may also find that arguments abound in the year so stay in control and do not act rashly or there will be many regrets.
  • Watch what you eat and if your lifestyle is quick TV dinners, you must allow for this and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • My advice this year is take it easy and look before you leap. You should also be very careful to note that you should keep an open eye for new romance as there is a great chance for Dogs to find new love in the Dragon year.
  • With regards to wealth, business and career, 2012 can be a year of seeds you planted over the last few years which will now blossom, so please make the most of this year as the wind is behind you with regards to wealth.
  • Do not think though that all this means you can just sit back and let the good times happen, hard work is still needed by you.
  • You are in affinity with the Rabbit. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Rabbit.



thanks to:http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimalpredictions2012.htm#Dog

2012 Predictions for Rooster

This will turn out to be a great year for The Rooster. Opportunities and success await you and seeds you planted in 2011 will now come to fruition. Coupled with Roosters natural passion and drive, the year 2012 will take you to great heights.
  • Those in employment may see promotion, provided they keep away from and are not influenced by inauspicious sectors of the house according to the Annual flying stars system of Feng Shui.
  • Whilst luck is with you, take good advantage of the positive outlook of the year and make a true effort in your endeavors.
  • Obstacles and difficulties are not completely non-existent. Face each one as it comes decisively and confidently as they can easily be overcome.
  • Take good care of health as there is a tendency to overworking 2012 so make sure that you get plenty of rest and also try to stick to a good diet and get plenty of exercise whenever possible.
  • When walking the success path, be charitable to those less fortunate than you.
  • This a great year to aim for promotion and advancement in your work place; you will find opportunities are high in 2012 and you may get a little confused on what to do, think carefully and always speak to a partner or friend, you may find it hard to make decisions in 2012 but if you speak to others they will guide you well.
  • This is a good year to learn how to meditate or just relax, take plenty of time out for yourself as whilst the year is good you can feel a little down at times.
  • Wear a necklace or bracelet that is made from hematite, this will enhance you.
  • Those of you born in 1945 should seek the help of professionals when necessary as it is essential to avoid risks during this busy year.
  • Whilst the year overall will be good you should look at some lifestyle changes, our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it and health is not always associated with the body, your mind is a huge part of your body and be sure to keep your mind free from stress and worry.
  • Take up walking, exercise anything that is different to what you have been doing and don’t worry all will be well with that problem.
  • You are in affinity with the Dragon. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Dragon.



thanks to:http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimalpredictions2012.htm#Rooster

2012 Predictions Monkey

I know that a lot of Monkeys that I have spoken to throughout the year have benefited a lot from the 2011 advice and have enjoyed a great year in 2011 and now they have a great year in 2012 to look forward to, so read through the information for this year and reap the rewards.



  • This will be a year of romance, career, wealth and many other exciting opportunities, all sounds too good to be true? There will be a few drawbacks that you need to be aware of and providing you take my advice you will enjoy a good year.
  • Your success this year all depends on how hard you want to work for it.
  • As long as you can apply yourself to your work in 2012, this year offers many rewards for the Monkey in the work place.
  • It will work to your advantage if you make sure that you are constantly in the know of recent developments so that you can use your skills and apply them to this.
  • Unemployed Monkeys may find themselves in a great position in a new work place this year if they stay determined and keep a positive attitude in interviews.
  • Those born in 1944 & 1992 should have a wu lou or similar good quality round metal object placed beside their bed in 2012.
  • All Monkeys need to take extra care this year with finances as there is a risk of loss of wealth in 2012 for the Monkey.
  • It is a good idea to avoid unnecessary purchases throughout 2012 where possible and save the money instead.
  • Having good Feng Shui is not just about placing Buddha’s and three legged Toads, just be aware of potential problems and you will avoid them.
  • Romance is promising this year for the Monkey. Relationships should be good for single and committed Monkeys and this is not just for romance it also relates to career and business.
  • Increase this by making sure you enhance the southwest of your home or bedroom.
  • Be careful with your diet throughout the year as it is possible for the fast paced Dragon year to pass by too fast for the Monkey to notice a decline in their health so make sure you get lots of exercise and eat healthily in 2012.
  • You may feel the last few years have brought some ups and downs but remember “smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”, you need some of the experiences you have been going through in the last few years to build who you are today, very soon all will be well.
  • You are in affinity with the Snake. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Snake.



thanks to : http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimalpredictions2012.htm#Monkey

2012 Predictions for Goat/Ram/Sheep

2012 will be a year of career and financial gains for the Goat, you should try to save where possible throughout this year if you follow this advice and work hard and smart, you could accumulate a large sum.


  • There could be a lot of activity this year at work; you will find that a project that has previously brought you a lot of stress and taken up a lot of your time will bring out many of your positive qualities to the attention of you and others around you.
  •  If you are going to take on a new responsibility you should be warned that you will need to learn new skills at a fast speed although this will be very beneficial to you especially if you are given the chance to go on a training course.
  • You will find yourself meeting a lot of new people in 2012 and you will find that you win a lot of them over with your ability to relate to others.
  • You may meet new people this year that you could build a strong friendship with including a romantic relationship that could lead to a serious commitment.
  • You will benefit from learning new skills; this could be anything from reading a new book to studying a new talent.
  • 2012 is a great time for using your initiative and going ahead with new opportunities. The Goat will take a lot of pride in their new purchases throughout this year but should remember to not make too many impulsive purchases and should not rush into buying something, as you may find that 56 inch plasma television not the best investment you made and neither is it good for the health of our planet so stay small and cautious in 2012!
  •  Make sure you research any large purchases before you commit to buying, as you may end up spending more money this year than you can afford to.
  • If you EVER have any doubts in financial situations throughout this year, please seek advice as this could save you a great deal of time and money.
  • At home this year, you will need to have flexibility with plans as there will be a lot of activity in your home in this fast paced Dragon year.
  • If you find it possible, take a holiday with a loved one this year, you will benefit from the change of scenery even if you do not go very far.
  • Romance will be very good for you this year, especially if you are looking to get married.
  • Love is very strong for the Goat in 2012 although there is the possibility that a married Goat could find a short term relationship with another person.
  • Those born in 1991 should spend the beginning of the year preparing for an increase in social events.
  • Those born in 1943 should try to share their advice with friends and loved ones people they trust as they will benefit from this.
  • Those born in 1955 need to keep an eye out for new opportunities as there will be plenty in 2012.
  • Those born in 1967 should not linger in the past as a lot can happen for you when you are willing to move on.
  • Those born in 1979 should spend more time with those who are close to you and take opportunities when they come along.
  • A lost friend or even a family member that became detached may bring good news in 2012 and it is a great year to mend broken bridges, it really is worth contacting lost friends to try and reconcile, expect a great year in 2012.
  • You are in affinity with the Horse. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Horse.


thanks to:http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimalpredictions2012.htm#Goat

2012 Predictions for Horse

2012 will be a mixed year for the horse this year and I would advise all Horses to be careful throughout 2012 although it has the potential to be a great year. If success is to be attained, it should be approached with a calm pace and you should not rush in to anything as 2012 brings a chance for the Horse to lose wealth when hastily jumping in to a new venture.”


  • It really will be a mixed year but overall you will be just fine. Concentration and hard work are a must in order for it to be a successful year.
  • Beware of over-indulgence and be sure to eat plenty of healthy food and get lots of exercise in 2012.
  • You will also find it hard to retain money so keep a tight rein on expenses to get the best out of this year.
  • This may be a year for saving rather than acquiring. Do not make judgements on others at work too hastily and exercise patience especially at home for there are indications of possible disharmony both at work and at home.
  • There will be opportunities for the Horse to develop and climb higher on the work ladder in 2012 but please approach opportunities with caution as this can lead to arguments if you do not keep calm in times of stress and deadlines.
  • This is a year of carefulness; avoid risks both physically and financially although Horse born in 1942 can expect some windfall.
  • In April and May you can expect some good news but you must make of the most of the good times as there are some months you will need to stay strong, follow the advice monthly on this website and place your annual cures and enhancers.
  • Stay focused this year, there is nothing to worry about just think about all your actions.
  • Horse born in 1942 and 1990 should be careful of health in 2012 and try and make some changes to your lifestyle especially if you have a bad diet or smoke, lung problems are a potential danger to Horse born in 1954 so please take note and if you are still smoking now is a good time to give up.
  • Too often the Horse will spend a lot of time helping others without any thanks but remember to the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world, you cannot please everyone, concentrate on those that matter most and this also includes YOU.
  • You are in affinity with the Sheep/Goat. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Goat.



thanks to:http://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/advice/chineseanimalpredictions2012.htm#Horse